Application Number M/24/00617/FUL
Status Pending Decision
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Planning Online Status

  • Application
  • Consultation
  • Committee
  • Decision

  • Decision
  • Appeal
  • Appeal
Application Number M/24/00617/FUL
Location Address Suffield Lodge Bransford Worcester WR6 5JE
Proposal Change of use of land for a dog boarding business (from C3 to Sui Generis / mixed) & erection of air-conditioned kennels. Installation of additional gate in widened access.
Status Pending
Application Type Full planning permission
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 16/05/2024
Application Valid Date 02/07/2024
Consultation Start Date 03/07/2024
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 01/08/2024
Advert Expiry 01/08/2024
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Karen Wightman
Parish Leigh CP
Ward Alfrick, Leigh & Rushwick Ward
Applicant Miss Fay Moffat-Roberts
Agent Mr O Jones, R L Planning
Agent Address Arlington Court Haywards Heath West Sussex RH16 3UB

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Application Documents
Application Plans
Neighbour and Other Response
Statutory Consultee Response

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
Betty Hamilton 10 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 08/07/2024
caroline anne jones 9 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 08/07/2024
Deborah Morgan 18 Orford Way MALVERN WR14 2EJ 28/07/2024
Elaine Hedley 2 Websters Cottages Chapel Lane Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JG 30/07/2024
Joanna Drumgold 21 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 09/07/2024
John & Anna Watkins Park Holm Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JE 15/07/2024
Kevin Garrington Spindle Cottage Chapel Lane Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JG 30/07/2024
Nikkk Hollins Cherry Tree Cottage 3 Suffield Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JE 23/07/2024
Allan & Anna Price Appletrees Chapel Lane Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JG 03/07/2024
Andrea Gammon 5 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 03/07/2024 08/07/2024
Elaine and Paul Hedley 2 Websters Cottages Chapel Lane Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JG 03/07/2024
John and Anna Watkins Park Holm Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JE 03/07/2024
Kevin & Jennifer Garrington Spindle Cottage Chapel Lane Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JG 03/07/2024
miss jones 6 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 03/07/2024 08/07/2024
Nikki Day Cherry Tree Cottage 3 Suffield Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JE 03/07/2024
Occupier 1 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 03/07/2024
Occupier 2 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 03/07/2024
Occupier 3 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 03/07/2024
Occupier 4 Suffield Close Bransford WORCESTER WR6 5JF 03/07/2024

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Defence Estates Safeguarding 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Aidan Smyth MHDC Archaeology & Planning Advisor 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Anna Briggs Leigh and Bransford Parish Council 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Cllr Peter Whatley Alfrick, Leigh & Rushwick Ward 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Cllr Sarah Rouse Alfrick, Leigh & Rushwick Ward 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Drainage Engineer Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Highways County Highways 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Jonathan Brierley The Open Spaces Society 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
MHDC Economic Development MHDC Economic Development 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
MHDC Natural Heritage & Biodiversity Officer MHDC Natural Heritage & Biodiversity 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
MHDC Tree and Landscape Officer MHDC Tree and Landscape Officer 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Mr W M Everitt Ramblers Association (Worcestershire Area) 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
The British Horse Society British Horse Society 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Worcester Regulatory Services Contaminated Land Worcestershire Regulatory Services 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Worcestershire County Council (Footpaths) WCC - Footpaths 03/07/2024 24/07/2024
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Nuisance Worcestershire Regulatory Services 03/07/2024 24/07/2024

Constraints List

Constraints List
Paper: Berrows Journal - Thursday
CIL009 - Non-Urban Area
Contamination Consult Area - Site Name: NULL Type: Historic landfill site
Interferometer Area. INFER/7022 -
Outside SWDP Development Boundary
Bridleway: Type- Bridleway. Path No- LI-618 B
Public Right of Way: Type- Bridleway. Path No- LI-618 B
Water Supply. If Major Application consultation required with Severn Trent (Welsh Water if in Bockleton Parish)
Landfill Consultation - If Application is a Major (PS2 1-6) consultation required via E.A Checklist
SWDP 15: Designated Rural Areas
SWDP 5: Protect and Enhance
Neighbourhood Plan: NPA Boundaries
No associated appeals