Application Number M/24/00187/TPOA
Status Split Decision

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Application Number M/24/00187/TPOA
Location Address Willow Hill Holt Heath Worcester WR6 6TA
Proposal Undertake tree works as detailed on application form and in any accompanying information.
Status Split
Application Type Tree Preservation Order Application (works to)
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 21/02/2024
Application Valid Date 04/03/2024
Consultation Start Date
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End
Advert Expiry
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date 20/03/2024

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Chris Lewis-Farley
Parish Holt CP
Ward Hallow & Holt Ward
Applicant Mr and Mrs Biddle
Agent Mr Thomas Murray, Faithful Tree Care Ltd
Agent Address 6 Spring Bank Hindlip Worcester WR3 8SD

Condition Details / Information Notes
The tree works hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with BS 3998:2010 (Tree Work) Reason: To attempt to avoid damage to the tree or neighbouring trees, property and services and encourage best practice in planning works and safe operations.
The works must be carried out by a suitably qualified tree professional. Reason: to ensure, as far as is possible, that damage to the tree or neighbouring trees, property and associated services is avoided and to ensure, as far as is possible, the adherence to best practice in the planning and execution of the tree works and the use of safe operational procedures.
The work must be carried out within two years from the date of this permission. Reason: As trees continue to grow, altering in shape and size, some works granted consent may become inappropriate and will require up to date assessment.
The ash tree (T4 in the submitted documentation) is not covered by the Tree Preservation Order. No permission is required from the council for these works. However, although it is suggested that the tree is suffering from ash dieback, and the presence of some dead wood is noted, based on viewing the tree in its dormant state, the council does not agree with this diagnosis. It is therefore suggested that the tree is not felled, at least until the tree can be assessed when it would be expected to be in full leaf.
Information and advice on appointing an appropriately qualified and experienced tree surgeon can be found on the Natural Environment pages of the Malvern Hills District Council website at the following address or alternatively contact the Landscape Officer 01684 862407.
All wild bird species are legally protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) from any form of disturbance between the onset of nest building and until such time as any dependent young have left the nest, principally from the beginning of March to the end of August.
All species of bats and their roosts (whether the bats are present or not) are protected from reckless killing, disturbance or destruction under both national and European legislation. Cracks, cavities and holes in trees and buildings can provide suitable places for bats to rest or hibernate; these should be carefully inspected prior to carrying out any works. If bats are discovered during work on trees or are suspected of being present, the relevant work should be halted and Natural England (formerly English Nature) notified and further advice sought ( For more information about bats and the law, please go to the Bat Conservation Trust website: For information on surveying for bats in trees and woodland please have a look at the following guide:
Insufficient justification has been provided for the proposed works to the lime tree (T3 in submitted documents). While it is noted that the tree has a basal cavity, any decay that is present appears to have been contained in the part of the tree that was present when the (fire) damage first occurred i.e., the tree has compartmentalised the affected part. Sounding with a nylon mallet has confirmed this, and the presence of a good thickness of sound wood around the decayed section. The tree has particularly produced vigorous reaction growth in response to the historic damage, more than compensating for any weakness that the damage caused. The proposed works would be to the detriment of the natural shape, form, and flow of the tree's canopy. The proposed branch removals are likely to lead to xylem dysfunction i.e., disruption of the tree' vascular system, resulting in increased hydraulic stress. Unnecessary tree works should be avoided to minimise the chances of detrimental impacts on the tree's vascular system, potentially leading to the ingress of harmful pathogens and decay, or the activation of latent pathogens or decay fungi.

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Consultation Responses

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In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

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Constraints List
TPO REF: TPO/M/427 (2008). ADDRESS: Willow Hill Holt Heath Worcester WR6 6TA
SWDP 15: Designated Rural Areas
SWDP 5: Protect and Restore
No associated appeals