Application Number M/23/01119/FUL
Status Pending Decision
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Planning Online Status

  • Application
  • Consultation
  • Committee
  • Decision

  • Decision
  • Appeal
  • Appeal
Application Number M/23/01119/FUL
Location Address Land At (Os 7812 5036) Lower Howsell Road Malvern
Proposal Change of use of land to a caravan site to provide 46 holiday caravans (to remain on site for 12 months per year) and one residential caravan for a manager (to remain on site for 12 months per year), together with associated infrastructure including hard and soft landscaping, access, parking and services
Status Pending
Application Type Full planning permission
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 02/08/2023
Application Valid Date 24/05/2024
Consultation Start Date 04/06/2024
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 27/08/2024
Advert Expiry 04/07/2024
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Anna Priestley-Clarke
Parish Leigh CP
Ward Alfrick, Leigh & Rushwick Ward
Applicant Maguire Holdings Ltd
Agent Andy Stevens, ASP
Agent Address Old Bank Chambers London Road Crowborough TN6 2TT

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Application Documents
Application Plans
Neighbour and Other Response
Statutory Consultee Response

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
A Garwood-Gowers The Manse Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 27/06/2024
Adrian Baker Oast House Stocks Lane Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DY 28/06/2024
Alex Holford 41 Orchard Way Leigh WORCESTER WR6 5LF 19/06/2024
Alex Webster 12 Ednoll Cottages Suckley Road Leigh WORCESTER WR6 5LG 26/06/2024
AMANDA JENKINS 2 Pipe Elm Cottage Hereford Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DS 30/06/2024
Anthony Warburton Ashfields Stitchens Hill Malvern WR13 5DJ 04/07/2024
Ben Barton 4 Engadine Close MALVERN WR14 3QD 25/06/2024
C Evans 2 Chapel Cottages Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 25/06/2024
Carl Graham Carriage Court Lower Howsell Road MALVERN WR14 1UX 26/06/2024
Catherine Forrester Bruton Cottage Lower Howsell Road MALVERN WR14 1UX 25/06/2024
Charles Vafiadis Sandlin WR135DN 25/06/2024
Daniel Beach Beech Cottage 3 Woodland View Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 27/06/2024
David Holder Cherington Hereford Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DS 26/06/2024
Davinder Kalcutt Leigh Sinton Post Office Hereford Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DS 26/06/2024
Donald collins 11 Hop Pole Green Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DP 17/07/2024
Elaine Baker Rosebank Cottage Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 23/06/2024
Elaine Stewart 10 Pineview Drive Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5FB 28/06/2024
Helen Davis Old Police House Hereford Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5EA 26/06/2024
Helen Hope Pipistrelle Kiln Lane Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5HH 26/06/2024
John Holder 4 Nash Green Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DR 26/06/2024
Kelly Prosser Zesta Planning Ltd The Site 24 Chosen View Road Cheltenham GL51 9LT 13/08/2024
Lara 2 Spruce Close Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5FD 02/07/2024
Lucy Williams 10 Norway Close Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5FE 27/06/2024
Maggie Fisher Shernacre Cottage Lower Howsell Road MALVERN WR14 1UX 03/07/2024
Mark Starr 15 Nash Green Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DR 29/06/2024
Michael Chesterton Mayfield 26 Kiln Lane Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5HH 24/06/2024
Michelle Burns 2 Clewer Croft Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5PJ 26/06/2024
Mr AJ Johnston Sinton Farmhouse, Stocks Lane, Leigh Sinton, Worcs WR13 5DY 21/06/2024
Mr and Mrs Hackett The Oaks Lower Howsell Road MALVERN WR14 1UX 26/06/2024
Mrs Emma Malpass 6 Interfields Cottage Lower Interfields MALVERN WR14 1UU 26/06/2024
Neil Taylor 11 Spruce Close Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5FD 18/06/2024
Nigel Birchley 31 Kiln Lane Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5HH 26/06/2024
Peter O'Neill 12 Nash Green Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DR 01/07/2024
Peter Sanders Cofields Lower Howsell Road MALVERN WR14 1UX 05/07/2024
R Wakefield 5 Nash Green Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DR 03/07/2024
rachel webster brake Buckmans House Lower Howsell Road MALVERN WR14 1UX 25/06/2024
Rhys Griffiths 10 Spruce Close Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5FD 15/06/2024
Rhys Humm Chanjorowe Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 26/06/2024
Roger Turner 3 Haywood Drive Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5AR 21/06/2024
Rowanna Greenhough 2 Woodland View Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 22/06/2024
Steve Paisley 20 Norway Close Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5FE 25/06/2024
Susan Evans 34 Haywood Drive Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5AR 21/06/2024
Terri Jenkins 18 Norway Close Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5FE 02/07/2024
Terry Reader 17 Nash Green Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DR 27/06/2024
Timothy Young Howsell Court Lower Howsell Road MALVERN WR14 1UX 26/06/2024
Tom Church The Granary Grit Lane MALVERN WR14 1UR 26/06/2024
Tony Beach Beech Cottage 3 Woodland View Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 20/06/2024
Trevor Jones 5 Pineview Drive Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5FB 26/06/2024
Trudie Garwood-Gowers The Manse Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 24/06/2024
Vanessa Greenhough 2 Woodland View Malvern Road Leigh Sinton MALVERN WR13 5DZ 24/06/2024
Victoria Jenkins 5 Lower Howsell Road MALVERN WR14 1ED 20/06/2024

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Anna Briggs Leigh and Bransford Parish Council 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Asset Protection Team Severn Trent Water Limited 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Cllr Peter Whatley Alfrick, Leigh & Rushwick Ward 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Cllr Sarah Rouse Alfrick, Leigh & Rushwick Ward 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Drainage Engineer Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Environment Agency Environment Agency 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Highways County Highways 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Jo Hall NHS Clinical Commissioning Group 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Lead Local Flood Authority WCC Lead Local Flood Authority 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Matt Barker MHDC & WDC Carbon Reduction Project Officer 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
MHDC Economic Development MHDC Economic Development 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
MHDC Legal Services MHDC Legal Services 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
MHDC Natural Heritage & Biodiversity Officer MHDC Natural Heritage & Biodiversity 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
MHDC Tree and Landscape Officer MHDC Tree and Landscape Officer 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Mr R Cooper & Mr J Jennings Hereford & Worcester Fire Service 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Mr R Cooper & Mr J Jennings Hereford & Worcester Fire Service 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Property Standards Enforcement Officer Housing 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Nuisance Worcestershire Regulatory Services 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust Worcestershire Wildlife Trust 04/06/2024 25/06/2024
Lead Local Flood Authority WCC Lead Local Flood Authority 15/07/2024 29/07/2024
Highways County Highways 29/07/2024 12/08/2024

Constraints List

Constraints List
Paper: Berrows Journal - Thursday
CIL009 - Non-Urban Area
Surface Water: 1 in 30 extent.
Surface Water: 1 in 100 extent.
Surface Water: 1 in 1000 extent
Interferometer Area. INFER/7017 -
Enforcement Notice Issued Ref: HIST/EN/0130 Property: Land At (Os 7812 5036), Lower Howsell Road, Malvern
Enforcement Notice Issued Ref: E/17/00032/COU2 Property: Springbrook Farm, Lower Interfields, Malvern, WR14 1UU
Outside SWDP Development Boundary
Water Supply. If Major Application consultation required with Severn Trent (Welsh Water if in Bockleton Parish)
SWDP 15: Designated Rural Areas
SWDP 5: Protect and Enhance
SWDP 2: Significant Gap
Neighbourhood Plan: NPA Boundaries
Local Wildlife Site within 100m: Carey's Brook
No associated appeals