Application Number 19/00611/FUL
Status Application Refused

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  • Appeal
Application Number 19/00611/FUL
Location Address 50 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG
Proposal Proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of 12 no. 2-bedroom apartments and 2 no. 3-bedroom penthouse apartments with off-street parking.
Status Refusal
Application Type Full planning permission
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 23/04/2019
Application Valid Date 17/05/2019
Consultation Start Date 14/06/2019
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 17/07/2019
Advert Expiry 21/06/2019
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date 13/08/2019

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Gillian McDermott
Parish Malvern Wells CP
Ward Wells Ward - Pre 01/05/23
Applicant Mr James Milne
Agent Address The Estate Office Holdfast Manor Holdfast Upton upon Severn WR8 0RA

Condition Details / Information Notes
The proposal, by reason of its scale, width, massing, rectangular form, symmetrical and uniform design would result in an unduly prominent and intrusive feature in the street scene and a dominant form of development which would be out of keeping with the character and appearance in the area and the pattern of development more generally. Further, the largely solid elevation of the proposal at street level would significantly harm the character and appearance of the street scene in this part of the Malvern Wells Conservation Area. The harm is considered to be less than substantial, however, it is at the upper end of that scale. It is not considered that the public benefits of the development outweigh the significant adverse impact upon this heritage asset and fails to comply with Policies SWDP 6, SWDP 21 and SWDP 24 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan as well as guidance within The Framework, in particular, Paragraphs 8, 192, 193, 194, 195 and 196.
The site lies within the Malvern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Paragraph 172 of The Framework awards these areas the highest status of protection for their 'landscape and scenic beauty.' The proposed development, by reason of its scale, width, massing, rectangular form, uniform and symmetrical design would result in a harmful impact upon the landscape and scenic beauty of the Malvern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and cause a significant adverse impact from views from lower ground levels to the east. The development is therefore contrary to Policies SWDP 21 and SWDP 23 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and guidance within The Framework, in particular Paragraphs 8, 170 and 172.
In the absence of securing an offsite contribution for affordable housing provision, the proposal would fail to fulfil the social role of sustainable development, as set out at paragraph 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Accordingly, the proposed development is contrary to Policy SWDP 15 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and paragraphs 8 and 64 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The proposal fails to provide the required number of car parking spaces to comply with the adopted Streetscape Design Guide, which is unacceptable in this location. The development would result in additional vehicles being displaced further along the B4218 Wyche Road and this application does not satisfactorily address the overall shortfall in parking. In addition and in the absence of further information, there is insufficient ceiling height clearance to allow safe operation of the car lift system for car parking spaces 5/6 and 15/16. It has not been adequately addressed how this system would be integrated into the site and without an accessible system, the two additional car parking spaces would be unusable, resulting in further displaced parking to the highway. The submitted Transport Assessment Addendum (TAA), Rev 2 dated March 2018 relates to the previously refused application, 17/01044/FUL, dismissed on appeal 01.05.2019. This included a small alignment of bin storage areas both sides of the car park entrance to provide visibility splays, which does not form part of the current application and any re-alignment may affect parking space No. 11. In addition, Figures 2.3 and 2.4 of the TAA shows a visibility splay to the left as incorrectly plotted to the centre line of the carriageway and Figures 3.1 and 3.2 within the TAA incorrectly show the plans for the previous application. Further, the width of the car park entrance is also reduced compared with the previous application, 17/01044/FUL and would not allow for two-way vehicular movements to access and egress the car park in a safe manner. Due to the lack of appropriate parking provision within the site and in the absence of further information, the proposal would result in additional displacement of vehicles on to the highway resulting in increased levels of hazard and danger to all users of the road, contrary to Policies SWDP 4 and SWDP 21 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan and The Framework, in particular, Paragraphs 108-110.
Refused drawing numbers: scale 1:1250 site location plan 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 110, 110B
Positive and Proactive Statement. In dealing with this application, the Council has worked with the applicant in the following ways: - providing pre-application advice - seeking further information following receipt of the application and considering the imposition of conditions and or the completion of a s.106 legal agreement. - Provided the applicants the opportunity to amend their proposals prior to validation of the application following the receipt of the Planning Inspectors formal decision in respect of 17/01044/FUL. In such ways the Council has demonstrated a positive and proactive manner in seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to the planning application. This is in accordance with paragraph 38 of the NPPF. Despite these efforts, the Council still consider that planning permission should be refused for the reasons set out above.

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Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Documents
Application Plans
Neighbour and Other Response
Statutory Consultee Response
Planning Application Documents

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
A Gray Hillstone 42 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EG 07/06/2019
A Skelton 75 Old Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EP 14/07/2019
ACO Rose Steppes Barn, Nr Grosmont, Abergavenny. NP7 8HU 05/07/2019
Andrew Barr-Sim 18 Vallis Way Frome Somerset BA113BJ 01/07/2019
Angela Milne Fortunes Gate Ledbury HR81JG 05/07/2019
Anna Walton 7 Gordon Terrace MALVERN WR14 4ER 07/06/2019
Bertie Campbell-Baldwin The Elms Colwall, Nr Malvern 16/07/2019
Betsy Brua 14 Old Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EP 03/06/2019
Betsy Brua 14 Old Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EP 05/06/2019
Beverley Hatchard 17 Westbury Close Crowthorne RG45 6NL 05/07/2019
Brian Iles Everton House 8 Bank Street MALVERN WR14 2JN 17/06/2019
Catherine Taylor 76 Longridge Road MALVERN WR14 3JQ 10/06/2019
Charles Williams Holywell Chapel Holywell Road MALVERN WR14 4LE 01/07/2019
Chris Englefield Broadview Jubilee Drive Upper Colwall 05/06/2019
Chris Godfrey Greenwood Jubilee Drive Upper Colwall Malvern WR13 6DQ 07/06/2019
Chris Merritt 17 King Edwards Road MALVERN WR14 4AJ 15/06/2019
CHRISTOPHER BOYD Walnut Cottage 2 Brockamin Court Dingle Road Leigh WORCESTER WR6 5JX 05/07/2019
David and Beverly Jones Ridgeway Beacon Road Upper Colwall Malvern WR14 4EH 11/06/2019
David Turner Ashvale Cottage, Bosbury Road, Cradley, Malvern, Worcs. WR13 5LU 04/07/2019
Debbie and Keith Farnes Brookmill Close Colwall Malvern Worcs WR13 6HY 28/06/2019
Dr KJFieldhouse 202 Pickersleigh Road MALVERN WR14 2QX 04/07/2019
Dr Michael J Lloyd Carnbrea Beacon Rd 19/06/2019
Dr Richard Taylor Monellan West Malvern Road MALVERN WR14 4DH 13/06/2019
Dr Richard Taylor Monellan West Malvern Road MALVERN WR14 4DH 13/06/2019
Dr. Ronald Paul Fairway House 47 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EF 12/06/2019
Emma Cooper 128 Woodfarm Road MALVERN WR14 4PR 04/06/2019
Fiona Peet 80 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 09/06/2019
G Davis 86 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EQ 10/06/2019
G.Vose 1 Westleigh West Malvern Road 03/06/2019
G.Vose 1 Westleigh West Malvern Road 05/06/2019
Geoff and Nicola Turrell Shangri La 90 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 10/06/2019
Georgy Clifton Brown St George's Square London 04/07/2019
Gordon Micklethwaite Jiayuan Back Lane MALVERN WR14 2HJ 25/06/2019
Gordon Morrison 95 Meadow Road MALVERN WR14 2SA 16/07/2019
Helen Chapman Highmead Hillfield Drive Ledbury 03/06/2019
Helen Gasking 115 Poolbrook Road MALVERN WR14 3JW 02/06/2019
James Seager 1 Oatleys crescent Ledbury HR8 2BY 04/07/2019
James Shepherd Claremont Walwyn Road Colwall WR13 6QT 28/06/2019
JM Rose Petty France Farm, Ledbury, Herefordshire. HR8 1JG 05/07/2019
John and Beatrice Kelly Pleading 4 Hillview Terrace Beacon Road The Wyche Malvern WR14 4EH 14/06/2019
John Lacy 66A Lower Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4ET 04/06/2019
John Ross-Barnard 413 Upper Eastern Green Lane Coventry CV5 7DJ 30/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karen Whyatt 03/06/2019
Karl L 5 Feckenham Gardens, Astwood Lane, Redditch B96 6JQ 01/07/2019
Kate HIggins Victoria Cottage Beacon Road Malvern WR14 4EH 03/06/2019
Lawrence Waldron Lantern Cottage 88 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 03/06/2019
Louise Heneage Newport Cottage Main Street North Carlton 04/07/2019
Louise Heneage Newport Cottage Main Street North Carlton 04/07/2019
Malvern Civic Society 382 Pickersleigh Road MALVERN WR14 2QH 03/07/2019
Malvern Hills AONB Unit Manor House Grange Road MALVERN WR14 3EY 13/06/2019
Mark Selvester Hillside Cottage Jubilee Drive Upper Colwall 10/06/2019
Martin and Yvonne Thomas Four Winds 76 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 16/07/2019
Martin and Yvonne Thomas Four Winds 76 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 17/07/2019
Martin Smith 76 Lower Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4ET 03/06/2019
MARY GEFFEN 12/06/2019
MARY GEFFEN 12/06/2019
Mary Diggins Hafod Wen, Bank Crescent,Ledbury 03/07/2019
Mary Geffen Wansfell West Malvern Road Malvern WR14 4EL 13/06/2019
Matthew Neate 3 Fossil Cottages Fossil Bank Upper Colwall 09/06/2019
Melissa Thomas 67 Cavendish Street Worcester WR5 3DX 14/07/2019
Michael Tom West 10/06/2019
Michael Tom West 10/06/2019
Michael Tom West 10/06/2019
Michael Tom West 10/06/2019
Michael Tom West 72 Old Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EP 10/06/2019
MR N BEVAN 74 Old Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EP 10/06/2019
Mr. K. Robinson 13 Broad Street Pershore, Worcs. 11/06/2019
Mrs Jackie Harvey 3 Pedlingham Close Colwall Malvern WR13 6RB 05/06/2019
Mrs Penny Lowry 8 Kings Road London SW14 8PF 03/07/2019
Mrs Penny Lowry 8 Kings Road London SW14 8PF 03/07/2019
Mrs Sandra Hinton 41 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EF 10/06/2019
Nicola Turrell Shangri La 90 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 16/07/2019
Nigel Birch 4 John Woolfe Court Moreton in Marsh GL56 9RS 05/07/2019
Oliver Chapman 10 Buckingham Close MALVERN WR14 1YA 16/07/2019
P TAYLOR 62 Lower Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4ET 05/06/2019
Pamela Gardner Bath Villa 345 Worcester Road MALVERN WR14 1AN 01/07/2019
Pamela Michaelson 04/06/2019
Pamela Michaelson 04/06/2019
Pamela Michaelson 04/06/2019
Pamela Michaelson 04/06/2019
Pamela Michaelson 04/06/2019
Pamela Michaelson 04/06/2019
Pamela Michaelson Summerfield, Gloucester Road Welland 06/06/2019
Pamela Taylor Monellan West Malvern Road MALVERN WR14 4DH 06/06/2019
Pat and Trevor Wilson Summer Hill Cottage Beacon Road Upper Colwall Malvern WR14 4EH 07/06/2019
Patrick Fischer Acorn Cottage, Bonfire Lane Horsted Keynes West Sussex 01/07/2019
paul eyton-jones Ox Hill Barn 4 Blackmore Park Farm Barns Blackmore Park Road MALVERN WR14 3LF 16/06/2019
Prof. Malcolm McCrae Beacon House, Beacon Rd, Malvern 04/06/2019
Quentin Hunter Flat 24 180 Acton Lane London W4 5DL 01/07/2019
Richard and Nick Vakis-Lowe 10 Gordon Terrace MALVERN WR14 4ER 13/06/2019
Robert Heneage Newport Cottage North Carlton Lincoln 04/07/2019
Robin Fish Church Cottage, Jubilee Drive, Upper Colwall, Malvern 06/06/2019
Roger Booth Dewhurst Cottage Walwyn Rd Colwall WR13 6QX 04/07/2019
Roger Sutton 2 St James Road MALVERN WR14 2TS 17/06/2019
Rory and Marinda Cobb 26 Britannia Square Worcester WR1 3DH 21/07/2019
S Daly 75 Old Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EP 07/07/2019
Samuel Mcilroy 62 Cottrell Street, Hereford, Hr40hq 02/07/2019
Sarah Wilson Jubilee Drive Colwall Nr Malvern Worcs 03/07/2019
Shamans hodgkinson 58 Lower Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4ET 03/06/2019
Simon Emson 68 Old Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EP 12/06/2019
Sophie Thomas 16 Meadowsweet Court MALVERN WR14 3SD 13/07/2019
Stephen Dudley 21 Windrush Crescent Malvern Worcs WR14 2XG 05/07/2019
Stewart Wilson Stone House Walwyn Road Colwall WR13 6QG 16/07/2019
Susan and Laurence Keil 1 Bishops Close Colwall Malvern WR13 6EL 16/07/2019
Susan Wardell Upalong 78 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 10/06/2019
Tom Grant The Reddings Old Colwall Malvern Worcs WR13 6HH 04/07/2019
Tony Skelton The Wyche Inn 74 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 07/07/2019
Victoria Bannister 49 Quest Hills Road MALVERN WR14 1RL 03/07/2019
Virginia Kelly Holywell Chapel Holywell Road MALVERN WR14 4LE 04/07/2019
Martin and Yvonne Thomas Four Winds 76 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 21/05/2019 12/06/2019
Occupier 48 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG 21/05/2019
Occupier 54 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG 21/05/2019
Occupier 56 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG 21/05/2019
Occupier 60 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG 21/05/2019
Occupier Bed And Breakfast At The Wyche Inn 74 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EQ 21/05/2019
Occupier Bottom Flat 60 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG 21/05/2019
Occupier Flat 1 58 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG 21/05/2019
Occupier Ground Floor Flat At The Wyche Inn 74 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EQ 21/05/2019
Occupier Ground Floor Offices At 58 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG 21/05/2019
Occupier Top Flat 60 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EG 21/05/2019
Occupier Top Flat At The Wyche Inn 74 Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EQ 21/05/2019
Ronald Cochrane Flat 3 58 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EG 21/05/2019 28/06/2019
Sebestian Durand Flat 2 58 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EG 21/05/2019 02/07/2019
Stephanie Daly The Wyche Inn 74 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 21/05/2019 09/06/2019
Thomas Theakston 54-56 Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EG 21/05/2019 05/07/2019
Toby Wren 74A Wyche Road MALVERN WR14 4EQ 21/05/2019 14/07/2019
Occupier 78 Old Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EP 24/05/2019
Occupier 80 Old Wyche Road Malvern WR14 4EP 24/05/2019

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Malvern Civic Society 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Malvern Hills Trust 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Worcs Health & Care NHS Trust 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Sport England 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Aidan Smyth MHDC Archaeology & Planning Advisor 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 07/06/2019
Asset Protection Team Severn Trent Water Limited 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Catherine Laidlaw Malvern Hills National Landscape Partnership 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Cllr C O'Donnell Malvern Wells Ward 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Cllr J Campbell Malvern Wells Ward 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Consultation Service Natural England 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Drainage Engineer Engineers - S.W. Land Drainage Partnership 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 22/05/2019
Environment Agency Environment Agency 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Highways County Highways 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 11/06/2019
Housing Team - MHDC Housing - MHDC 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 06/06/2019
Jackie Godfrey-Hunt West Mercia Police, Design Out Crime Officer 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 28/05/2019
Lead Local Flood Authority WCC Lead Local Flood Authority 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 22/05/2019
MHDC Community Services Manager MHDC Community Services Manager 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 12/06/2019
MHDC Conservation Officer MHDC Development Plans & Conservation 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 10/06/2019
MHDC Economic Development MHDC Economic Development 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
MHDC Natural Heritage & Biodiversity Officer MHDC Natural Heritage & Biodiversity 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
MHDC Tree and Landscape Officer MHDC Tree and Landscape Officer 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Policy Plans - General Policy Plans - General 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Sarah Hart Malvern Wells Parish Council 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 17/06/2019
Sufficiency and Place Planning Worcestershire Children's Services 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
WCC - Minerals & Waste Policy WCC - Minerals & Waste Policy 21/05/2019 11/06/2019
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust Worcestershire Wildlife Trust 21/05/2019 11/06/2019 10/06/2019
Historic England Historic England 24/05/2019 14/06/2019 10/06/2019
Cllr John Gallagher Malvern Wells Ward 14/06/2019 05/07/2019
Cllr Mark Dyde Malvern Wells Ward 14/06/2019 05/07/2019
Catherine Laidlaw Malvern Hills National Landscape Partnership 04/07/2019 11/07/2019
Consultation Service Natural England 10/07/2019 17/07/2019 31/07/2019

Constraints List

Constraints List
Minerals - Hard Rock
SWDP 5: Urban - Unsurveyed
Water Supply. If Major Application consultation required with Severn Trent (Welsh Water if in Bockleton Parish)
SWDP 32: Hard Rock
SWDP 2: Development Boundary
SWDP 23: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
SWDP 6: Conservation Area
Paper: Malvern Gazette
CIL003 - Main Urban Area
CIL009 - Non-Urban Area
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Area of Special Control of Advertisements
Conservation Area 25m buffer: Malvern Wells
Interferometer Area. INFER/7019 -
Site of Special Scientific Interest within 500m
No associated appeals